Jeep Wrangler JL / Gladiator JT Deflectoare de geam cu 4 uși

Cod: 82215368AB
1 843,13 RON 1 523,25 RON fără TVA
5-10 zile
Opțiuni de transport

Side Window Air Deflectors tinted smoke. Deflectors allow windows to be vented during inclement weather. Acrylic tinted Side Window Air Deflectors follow the contours of the windows and allow them to be opened for venting, even during inclement weather.

Informaţii detaliate

Descriere detaliată a produsului

Deflectoare de ferestre, setul include 4 buc.

Pentru vehicule:
Jeep Wrangler JL (2018-...)
Jeep Gladiator JT (2020-...)

82215368AB, 82215368

Parametri suplimentari

Categorie: Exterior
Greutate: 0.837 kg
Typ: 141
Macro Family: H
Family: ZE14
Kód slevy: G
